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Blog posts

  • 「易經心解」認證諮詢師名單


    <<易經心解>>系統 序言「易經心解」是世上唯一以易經六十四卦宇宙能量而設計, 運用圖表及靈擺, 自我探索的系統。 這個系統由我李慧心所創, 我過去數年為數百個客人進行心靈諮詢服務。 我自2019年9月靈通了這個能夠完善自我的靈擺探索系統, 並於同年10月在 "慧靈研習坊有限公司"教授初階課程。課程會學習運用圖表和靈擺, 連結高我, 透過搜索潛意識和阿卡西紀錄(Akashic Records), 深入了解問題的根本原因, 釋放相關的負面情緒, 再以正面信念, 取代舊有思想模式, 達致身心平衡, 籍此提升個人成長。 願景 我希望世界上任何人也可以充分實現自己的潛能。 使命 「易經心解」根據易經六十四卦的宇宙能量系統設計而成, 透過能量系統, 喚醒人們的覺知, 提升思想, 情緒, 和達致身體健康。這個系統提倡以愛, 其中一種宇宙高振頻能量, 去為每個人, 創造更快樂和幸福的生活。 以下學員已經完成三階課程, 經導師考核, 成為認証的諮詢師, 可以為客戶提供身心靈諮詢服務。 1/ Francis Lee - WhatsApp/Tel 93116198 2/ Rebecca Chan - WhatsApp/Tel: 68942229  3/ Devin Lau - WhatsApp/ Tel: 95858155

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  • COVID-19


    "This is a copy about a beginner who has finished the <I Ching Lotus> course who is diagnosed with a new type of coronavirus and uses "heart interpretation "recordings to help heal. "On the evening of November 22nd, a classmate distributed a message to me. She was initially diagnosed with the new coronavirus and was about to be admitted to...

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  • Inspiration from my boyfriend in the temple

    Inspiration from my boyfriend in the temple

    "There is a past story I want to share with you , but what I want to reveal this time is about my boyfriend , I hope he will not see it , hehe. In 2018 , my uncle , my boyfriend and I went to Macau to have fun . We walked and ate at the San Francisco bus...

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  • Foul Sewer

    Foul Sewer

    "After moving into the new company, there are many things that need to be rectified, and the space energy is the same. Two weeks after I moved in, the management office called me and asked me whether I could be in the office building at a designated time on the 5th floor on Sundays because of the change of sewers...

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